Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Hard Knocks of Being a Farmer

This summer we have had several heavy rain storms that, based on our memory, seems to be becoming the norm rather than the exception.  These heavy storms cause much flash flooding which then causes a lot of damage.

Heavy one-hour rain storm damages corn stalks

On Sunday we measured the corn and meant to blog about it yesterday.  That didn't happen.  Instead the clouds were dark and heavy, and rolling thunder clapped loudly.  With those weather conditions we were not allowed to go outside and take some pictures for the entry.

Eventually yesterday's rain came, and when it did, it came hard and fast, smacking up against the house and windows loudly.  When it was over we received an inch and a half of rain in less than an hour!  We could hear our local fire station sirens blasting -- we're sure there were trees down, car accidents, and possibly more emergency needs all because of this rain storm.  Some places even reported hail!

We spent much of the late afternoon yesterday and today trying to save many of the bent corn stalks -- sixty-six in all were damaged yesterday.  We'll be lucky if we can save half!  We wonder if real Connecticut farmers experienced the same type of damage.  If we were growing all this corn to earn a living, rather than as an experiment, we decided we would probably find something much easier to grow!  The weeds seem to be doing quite well! 

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