Thursday, June 5, 2008

.com and Superheroes on Order

We told Mom how difficult it is to share the address to our blog, so she set it up as "dot com" for us.  If you'd like to bookmark our blog, here is the easier address:

We can still use the old address that AOL gives us, but this new one will be way easier to share with our friends and family!  Thanks Mom!

Mom also said she ordered us some Superheroes -- Connecticut style!  She ordered us some Praying Mantises!  Praying Mantises are recognized as Connecticut's state bug!  They will arrive in "casings" -- not hatched yet.  We used Praying Mantises in our garden last year; they're really cool!  We can't wait for them to arrive!

The weather has been rainy, so we haven't been outside to check up on our corn.  Hopefully the weather will clear up later today.

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