Saturday, June 21, 2008

Quenching Thirst

One of the problems we will be facing this summer is how to water our corn.  The corn field is across the street from our house and our current garden hose only goes so far.  Because corn likes to drink lots of water, we need to ensure they get plenty! We have been lucky that there has been enough rain, almost like a daily shower, in our weather.  The last time we needed to water the corn it had to be done by bucket!

Watering the corn by bucket is hard work!  The buckets are heavy, and can lead to some muddy fun.  Although our Mom doesn't call it that.  (She calls it, "More laundry!")

To hopefully solve the problem our Mom told us she would post a WANTED request on our local Freecycle Yahoo! group.  Hopefully there are people in our local area who have working soaker hoses that they no longer want.  Soaker hoses are hoses with tiny holes in them that allow the water out to water plants without wasting the water.

She also requested scare crows.  Apparently crows like corn too.

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