Sunday, June 8, 2008

Officially Farming!

We had to wait until about 6:00 last night for the weather to finally cool enough for us to work in the field that we will be growing our corn.  Since we already had one tick issue, Mom made sure to spray us with repellant really good.  (Ticks are nasty bugs that bury their heads in your skin and drink your blood.  They can also spread diseases.)

Since the Kernel had previously tilled much of the land, all we needed to do was loosen up the soil a little bit.  The rain from a few days ago made it very heavy.  But we got the job done by all means humanly, or in our case, childly possible.  LOL

We decided we'll use some of that fabric stuff that reduces weeds but lets water through.  We want to grow corn, not weeds.  Growing weeds means having to spend our summer days pulling weeds rather than having some fun (like the water balloon fight we had earlier in the day). 

So with Pop's help, we measured and measured and came up with a plan.  We will plant 36 (seeds) of each variety.  Each will consist of four rows by nine plants.  And we will space each variety 18 inches apart to allow for walking around them.  This means when we're all done planting all the corn, we will have three columns of corn.  We talked with our Nana, Sweet Ears, last night and she thinks that will be a lot of corn!  We will have to wait and see.

By 9:00 last night we had two varieties officially planted:  Bloody Butcher and the Japanese Hulless Popcorn.  We picked these two to start with because they have shown the most growth so far.  This means we're officially farming since we have them planted in the ground!  

We hope to get more planted later this afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Japanese Hulless Popcorn?!?!?  Never heard of it, but I'm interested in knowing more!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sheila, Learning about corn is fun.  We didn't know there were so many varieties until we started this experiment!  Thanks for visiting with us!  :)
Sally Stalks