Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Root of our Inspiration

Our Mom likes to travel to Massachusetts every couple of months to purchase various supplies.  While we are there she takes us to a restaurant called Sylvester's.  It is located in Northampton, Massachusetts. 

Northampton has a lot of ties to our American History, including having Sojourner Truth speaking about the need for equality and justice, and having President Calvin Coolidge starting his political career there.  It was also the home of Sylvester Graham, of whom the restaurant is named after.  Sylvester Graham was the inventor of the very same graham crackers we enjoy eating today!

So there we were one day, sitting in
Sylvester's, awaiting for our waitress to bring our lunch order, when we noticed this poster of corn on the wall!  We never knew so many different types of corn existed! 

It was a few weeks later when we decided we would like to grow many different varieties to see what grows best here in Connecticut -- and we've found out since that day in Sylvester's that there are hundreds of different types of corn!   At this website, it explains some of the history of corn.  We are delighted that one of the types of corn it mentions we are growing: Stowell's Evergreen!

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