Sunday, June 1, 2008

'Happy Days Are Here Again'

The Kernel stopped by yesterday and looked at the progress of our seedlings.  He thought that we should have directly planted them into the ground.  We told him that we didn't trust the weather yet.  We were surprised to see the Japanese Hulless Popcorn showing the most sprouts so far.

We got to talking about our
woodchuck problem.  The moth balls didn't work.  So a few days ago the Kernel put some smoke bombs down every hole we could find.  The smoke bombs can kill them, but we hope that didn't happen.  We hope they smelled the smoke and decided to run away.  We checked the holes and noticed no new activity. 

We hope our woodchuck problem has been solved; we will keep checking just to be sure.  We don't want to celebrate too soon!  Mom said maybe they went to live on FDR's estate.  FDR, our 32nd President, left his
home to the Federal Government with a stipulation that they allow woodchucks to live there without being hurt.  Sounds like a great place for woodchucks to live!

We then noticed that the sky had darkened and there was a lot of thunder. We ran into the house just in time! It started pouring rain -- and hail! The hail was as large as quarters and half-dollars! If we had our little sprouts in the ground instead of in the Chinese take-out containers, we think they could have been damaged! The Kernel agreed with us that perhaps it was too soon to put our seedlings in the ground. After the storm passed we saw this double rainbow. Maybe that is a sign good weather is on it's way!

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